Hi everyone! Today marks the official launch of the A-Z of saving money ebook, written by 12 authors, all established personal finance bloggers, and I was given an early copy to review. Check out the end of this post to win your free copy! You can also purchase the ebook here. What is… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: credit card
Taking a holiday while in debt
There has been a lot of talk lately around the PF-sphere, about what people should and shouldn’t do while in debt. In the first camp, the debt-free extremists argue that you should stop living until you have paid off all consumer debt, and send every bit of extra cash towards your debt snowball. On… Read more
Tips To Effectively Erase Payday Loan Debts
Thousands of people borrow money through a payday loan to help pay their bills. While these loans can be useful when used as intended, the reality is that many borrowers discover that they have other financial obligations due when it comes time to pay back the loan. Fortunately, getting rid of payday loan debts… Read more
Save money with online shopping and a $500 giveaway!
Another awesome giveaway today, $500 in Visa prepaid gift card, check the end of this post for more details! I love online shopping, compared to store shopping. You can be comfortable, at home, don’t have to spend money on gas, park, fight the crowds, queue, or blame yourself for always picking the slowest cashier. It… Read more
99 money mistakes and a $999.99 giveaway!
99 money mistakes? Can you possibly make that many? Possibly, and more! I managed to list 40 things that cost me lots of money over the years in just 15 minutes, meaning we are probably looking at a realistic three to four digits money mistakes over life. Enjoy. Forgot to fund current account when monthly… Read more
4 Tips for Controlling Your Holiday Spending
This is a guest post from Taylor B., the founder and editor of Repaid.org. You can follow him on Twitter @RepaidOrg or on Repaid.org’s Facebook page. One way to insure a happy new year is to keep a lid on your holiday spending. While that sounds easy enough to do, when was the… Read more
What to do if there isn’t enough money?
During my first year of college, I had two majors, and taking an extra job on top was virtually impossible. My college town had about 40000 students and most seniors had trusted the rare jobs available, so when I arrived unprepared in September, I knew I had to rely only on my scholarship for that… Read more
How I helped my handyman get into debt
Since I moved to Guatemala, I have hired a handyman to do work around the house. Let’s call him H. H is 20 years old and lives in the nearby village. He used to work for the previous owner for $65 per month but didn’t do much. When we took him in, we asked him… Read more
How to negotiate your bills and your debt
Last week, I talked about ways to reduce monthly payments on your debt. Some strategies included finding better deals to take on some cheaper debt, and others making an extra effort to pay your debt faster and reduce the interest paid. Unfortunately, it is not always that easy. Sometimes, bills… Read more
How to reduce payments on your debt
On a recent post, I talked about how to calculate your debt’s weighted average interest rate. Simply put, if you have a $1000 debt at 6% and a 2000% debt at 0%, your total debt is $3000 at 2%. That rate is important because this is how much that debt money is costing you. Paying… Read more