Since financial education is pretty much non existent at school, you learn your money habits from your parents. Here is my family story. I was raised in a middle class family. My dad was the sole bread-earner for most of my childhood. My mum, a primary school teacher, stayed at home to raise me and… Read more
Viewing category: Relationship
How much do you spend on gifts?
I just went to buy my BF his Christmas present. I suck at gift giving, and I don’t really do Christmas anyway, so it is always complicated to find something nice. And usually, I find most cheap presents so annoying that I overcompensate with something super expensive in the end. Or nothing. This year, I… Read more
How I Celebrated Mother’s Day
When we think of the month of MAY, the month of mothers automatically comes to mind. Our mothers are really important to us because they’re the one who gave us life and guided us all the way. I chatted with some of my friends from college and we agreed to have a pre-mother’s day celebration… Read more
How to survive a breakup financially
After a few months of ups and downs, BF and I are over. While it has been a little while since we broke up, I needed to be completely over it to announce it to the world.And you may still see mentions of him here and there, as I have some pre-breakup posts in my… Read more
Living, working and traveling 24/7 as a couple
Good morning, over at Savvy Scot I will talk about teenage money, how to help without spoiling them. Click here to read more.. For the past 3 1/2 years, safe for very rare occasions when we would be on different continents for a few weeks, BF and I have lived, worked and traveled together, spending… Read more
Holidays with friends: 10 tips to keep it cool
We have had a string of visitors since Christmas, and while most visits have been pleasant, one of them was pretty bad, and all were demanding in that we are used to our peace and quiet and being an introvert, I don’t like very much to be around a group 24/7. Actually, there is only… Read more
Are you an average couple?
Today I am answering money questions for couples that were published on DINKs finance. What are your answers? You can read the answers of Taylor from, Jay from The First Million is the Hardest, Money Beagle and J.Money from Budgets Are Sexy. 1. Would you discuss money on the first date? Sure. Or at… Read more
Stay at home vs working mum: Factoring all the costs
I had an interesting talk with my sister last time I visited, about why she would go back to work now that she has my adorable niece. My sister works in a daycare center, she stays with 10 kids who aren’t hers all day, then comes back home and does more of the same. The… Read more
4 tips for a harmonious money relationship
Good morning! Today I am blog swapping with Daisy from When Life Gives You Lemons, Add Vodka. So after reading her post, head over to her site for my post about Zero Food Waste! Daisy is a Canadian blogger who runs the blog When Life Gives You Lemons, Add Vodka. When she’s not grappling for self-improvement on… Read more
Life is not like the movies
Morning all! Today I have a guest post for you, from the lovely Tonya at Budget and the Beach. Enjoy! And remember you can still win $100 on the grocery giveaway Tonya is a freelance video editor and blogger living in Los Angeles. She enjoys movies, running and playing beach volleyball. You can follow her… Read more