This is a review of SMBX, all opinions are my own. With participative economy growing at full speed, and the likes of Uber and Airbnb replacing your traditional taxis and hotels, it was only a matter of time before finance became participative as well. So can you be a bank? Turns out it’s pretty easy…. Read more
Viewing category: Blogging
7 Truths About Financial Independence That I’ve Learned from Over 150 Interviews
Today, I am excited to have a guest post from Julie! Julie is a 29-year-old pursuing financial independence in the Pacific Northwest. Her favorite things are dogs, wine, and cheesy reality TV shows. She co-hosts the FIRE Drill podcast, is an Etsy seller, and a blogger at Millennial Boss. Last year she made $40,000 online… Read more
My Strategy for Self-Publishing Success
This is a guest post from Joseph Hogue. Please let me know if you would like to guest post on RFI! November is NaNoWriMo month and a great opportunity to start your self-publishing success story with this strategy. I was inspired by Pauline’s pledge to write 50,000 words of content for National Novel Writing Month –… Read more
Buy no groceries for a month challenge: I did it!
I am was on a challenge to buy no groceries except fruits and vegetables for a full month. I decided to enter the challenge after I’d gone back home to the jungle, mostly because I hate going shopping all the time (on a normal month I last 10-15 days between supermarket runs) and also because… Read more
Buy no food for a month challenge
That is one fascinating challenge, to buy no food for a month. And my first challenge of 2016. The idea is to… buy nothing, no supermarket trips, no spur of the moment chocolate bars, no water bottle when you’re thirsty (find a fountain)… Nothing except fruits, vegetables, milk, and whatever wouldn’t last a month. Since… Read more
Top 6 Free Tools to Start and Grow your Online Business
Starting and growing an online business can be challenging. There is a lot to think about. You have to create a website, drive traffic to it, grow a social media presence, create great content, guest post. Hopefully some free tools can help you stay organized and optimize your time. Here are a few of them:
Miami holiday expenses
I am back from two weeks in Miami and it was a great trip! Pretty expensive, although it was pretty close to what I expected, and most of it was shopping for things I needed and a few treats… Here is a quick recap. The flights from Miami to Guatemala on Spirit were $275… Read more
Best side hustle gigs you can start right now
Often when you think about starting a side hustle, one of the things that put you off is you don’t want to spend money to make money. Printing business cards, buying things to resell, renting even a desk at a shared office represent some upfront costs for which you don’t want to risk you hard… Read more
#JeSuisCharlie let’s keep on challenging the status quo
Unless you live in a cave like I usually do, you have heard about the tragic killings in Paris a couple of days ago. Armed people came into satiric left wing newspaper Charlie Hebdo’s headquarters during their editorial meeting and killed twelve people, including two policemen on the way out. The response has been one… Read more
And…we’re back!
Thank you for your messages and reminders those past few days that RFI was down, thanks to spammers loving me a bit too much… The site is back up, and I sure hope it stays that way! It had been creeping up slowly, with dozens of daily spam not being filtered by akismet, supposed to be… Read more
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