Credit card debt is a very interesting concept, especially when you look at the stats. As consumers, we all say that we’ll never get over our heads in debt, but, all too often, we find ourselves drowning in monthly bills. In fact, according to, the average borrower has $2,859 in credit card debt and… Read more
Viewing category: Spend Less
Why fixing your credit is so important
This post was sponsored by Lexington Law It always amazes me how little importance is given by most people to their credit score. Your credit score determines how much you are going to pay on debt, and between student loans, car loans, mortgages, credit card debt, and so on… that can represent thousands of… Read more
Going to #FinCon16! How to attend a conference on a budget
I started blogging in the summer of 2012, and it was too late to arrange a visit to #FinCon12. The next year, I was on a bike trip around Europe. In 2014, I thought about it, but my inner introvert took over. In 2015, I was in the U.S. two weeks before, but just got… Read more
How to Plan the Best Birthday Party on a Budget
Good morning! This post is from my V.A. Clarisse. A week before my daughter’s birthday, I made a list of what to buy and what to do. I also set a budget since Ididn’t want to spend too much, but I wanted her to have an unforgettable surprise birthday party. Honestly, she only asked me… Read more