Only three days until I get on that plane, cross the Ocean and settle on my land in Guatemala!!! As I am preparing the final details, I am trying not to forget anything before I go. I am not talking about the material, people abroad eat, drink and dress just like you, so anything you… Read more
Viewing category: Minimalism
Buy no food for a month challenge
That is one fascinating challenge, to buy no food for a month. And my first challenge of 2016. The idea is to… buy nothing, no supermarket trips, no spur of the moment chocolate bars, no water bottle when you’re thirsty (find a fountain)… Nothing except fruits, vegetables, milk, and whatever wouldn’t last a month. Since… Read more
Two words for 2016
Hi there. I know, it’s been a really long while. You still look great. Where have I been? Everywhere, and nowhere. That’s for another post. I took a break from blogging, and as I share my goals for 2016, summed up in two words like Chris Guillebeau or Maria do every year, I still only… Read more
5 Simple Ways to Lower Your Housing Expenses
Good morning everyone! This article is contributed by Tina Roth a personal finance blogger at PROFinance blog. She is commerce graduate and form Florida, USA. She loves to write about money and finance management. To know more about her click here. Let me know if you would like to guest post on RFI.. In a recent discussion… Read more
What is your survival budget?
We are all living a different lifestyle, some spending more than others, with a monthly budget that is made of several categories: Absolute necessities, needs, wants, savings and long term financial plans, debt reduction and credit cards payments. My question today is: if disaster struck tomorrow, what would be your absolute survival budget?… Read more
What made me decide to live in a hotel full time
Good morning! Today I have a post from mochimac, a personal finance blogger at “Save. Spend. Splurge.” mochimac got out of $60,000 of debt in 18 months. She now lives in a hotel full-time, and works a lot less for a lot more money as a freelancing consultant. Please contact me if you would… Read more
One suitcase for one year of travel, what to pack
Before I move to Guatemala, I need to put all my valuable possessions into one suitcase, and one carry-on luggage. A task that is not much different to packing for a 2 weeks holiday, since in this case I will be able to wash my clothes on site. Still, I don’t plan on coming back for… Read more
Obama-ize your life! A valuable lesson of time management
Ramit sent an email last week about how President Obama manages his time. Basically, since he has so many BIG decisions to make, to keep his decision-making abilities sharp, he makes no decisions about his daily life. Of course, everything is being taken care of, but he also only wears gray or… Read more
My most valuable possessions (as a traveling minimalist)
I have been traveling on and off for the past 10 years. My whole life belongings, including my bicycle fits in a small 3-doors car. I took that limit even further last year when BF and I embarked on a 6 months motorcycle journey from Guatemala to the US. We did it again this year,… Read more