I can’t believe it was two years ago when I arrived in Guatemala with only one suitcase, ready to live in the remote Northern region of Petén, where (my now ex-)BF and I had bought a house I had never seen but in pictures. Here is a small recap of all that has happened… It… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: little house
Little house in Guatemala, month 20
It is time for another installment of the awesome side hustle ideas series. Here is the link to part 2, part 3 part 4 and part 5 as well if you missed them. And today I have got some more for you! Check it out over at Make Money Your Way! Click here to read more… Time for a new life and house update,… Read more
Little house in Guatemala, month 19
Time for a new life and house update, click here if you would like to see the Guatemala archives. The works are mostly finished in the new room, and it couldn’t be soon enough that the workers vacate and let us enjoy the peace and quiet of the beach. They have been there non-stop… Read more
Little house in Guatemala, month 17
If you want to see where we started from day 1, I now made a nice little page with all the links to previous posts about the house and Guatemala in general, like the cost of living, travel tips, etc. Check out my Guatemala page. Well, it sure has been busy around here for the past month…. Read more
Little house in Guatemala, month 16
Another instalment already? Yes, but don’t worry, I am done touting my little guest house… for now :). And yes, the updates have come in more frequently than monthly lately, but that is because I was late and stopped posting when we went to Europe. So here you go! If you want to see where… Read more
Little house in Guatemala, month 14
Time for a little update on your favorite Guatemalan telenovela… Last time I updated, the big piece of news was that our land development’s deeds got approved!! It is a big middle finger pointed right at the council as they had required us to provide a lot of useless and costly studies (telling me… Read more
Little house in Guatemala, week 52, back home edition
Hi there! I finally made my way back to Guatemala, just on time for my one year anniversary. I had been away for over two months, and thankfully the trip back was less eventful than the way out via Cancun. I flew to Atlanta where I had a 12 hour layover, I thought about contacting… Read more
Little house in Guatemala, week 37-38
Meet “la tienda”, the shop. This is the best stocked shop in the village. From tomatoes, onions, potatoes and a few jalapeno peppers to dried goods, cans, and basic household items, you can find many things without having to go to town. Your diet will be really basic, no fish, no meat, at best one… Read more
Little house in Guatemala, week 31-32
Happy Monday! Time for your favorite telenovela, set deep in the Guatemalan jungle. After the handyman debacle last month while we were away, we are so relieved he quit. Once he was gone, the carpenter who had been working as well during our month of absence admitted that he never saw the handyman when he… Read more
Little house in Guatemala, stormy edition
Because I am so organized (/sarcasm), I already had my post lined up with the recap of the past two weeks, but on Friday night we were hit by a big storm. It had been a really hot and heavy week, the poor guys working on the land development tracing the plots were exhausted and… Read more