We were having dinner the other day with another couple, and from the moment we sat in, the guy requested separate tabs. I thought it was great to save us some time when the bill comes, and avoiding awkward situations if you don’t have the correct change or your friends forgot the add the tip… Read more
Viewing category: Saving
How was the easiest/hardest way you ever made money?
What was the easiest and/or hardest way you ever made money? I’ll share mine. Easiest ways I have made money I think I’ll have to go with my cattle investment first. I just gave BF the money to buy calves, he bred them, oversaw the cowboys, paid their salaries and the… Read more
The A-Z of saving money ebook review
Hi everyone! Today marks the official launch of the A-Z of saving money ebook, written by 12 authors, all established personal finance bloggers, and I was given an early copy to review. Check out the end of this post to win your free copy! You can also purchase the ebook here. What is… Read more
Save money with online shopping and a $500 giveaway!
Another awesome giveaway today, $500 in Visa prepaid gift card, check the end of this post for more details! I love online shopping, compared to store shopping. You can be comfortable, at home, don’t have to spend money on gas, park, fight the crowds, queue, or blame yourself for always picking the slowest cashier. It… Read more
Calculating the weighted average interest rate on your debt (and why I am not paying mine faster)
Hoping my little paradise will return more than my debt’s average interest rate. I compile all my net worth data around the 10th of the month, which is when all my monthly payments are done Mortgage on rental property Utilities on rental property Taxes Consumer loans (used to buy some land and invest) Monthly credit… Read more
How to save money on currency exchange
As I am getting ready to move to Guatemala, I am also putting my financial life in order and planing to exchange a lot of currency before I go. My mum is lending me money for a couple of months, until I get my flat’s money, so that I can put a deposit on… Read more
Are you a good tenant? Lower your rent!
Are you a tenant? Have you paid your rent on time, not trashed the place, or had the police knock at your door at 3am for noise disturbance? Then you fit right in the category of good tenants. Congratulations! As a landlady, I have had my share of good and bad tenants. Luckily, they all… Read more
Understand the impact of money decisions with Planwise
Disclaimer: Today’s post is a guest post about Planwise, a tool that allows you to realize the impact of money decisions. It is FREE to use, and I am not making money by recommending it. Whether you are buying a home, a car, paying off debt or getting a raise at work, you can see how these changes in… Read more
Why buying the most expensive motorcycle on Ebay saved me money
As you may know, I have been traveling around Europe on a motorcycle from early April to the end of August. In 2011, BF and I did the same thing traveling from Guatemala to Seattle, to Washington D.C. on his motorcycle. This time, it was my turn to buy a bike and suffer the depreciation…. Read more