Talking about death is not an easy topic, and even when you try to bring it up, it is rate people will listen. Everyone thinks they will live forever… until something happens. When I used to work in the corporate world, I was flying about twice a week for the last three years I was… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: plan
5 ways to prepare for retirement
Many of us can’t wait until we retire. With nicknames such as ‘the Golden Years’ and the thought of being able to sleep in everyday, it’s understandable why so many people look forward to this time in their life. The truth is however, planning for your retirement is fundamentally important to ensure you get the… Read more
Keep your peace of mind during long term travel
Like you probably know after reading all the European travel posts, we have been traveling around Europe and Morocco for a couple of months, and it has been a fantastic trip. What I have loved most so far is that compared to last year’s 6 months trip, we were still energetic all the time. I… Read more
Using your smartphone to save money
When I hear about people getting smartphones, I am a big skeptic as to whether this is a smart financial choice. However, I found out that there are a lot of apps that allow you to save money, and if you take advantage of them, reduce the cost of buying and owning a smartphone…. Read more
Financial independence: do you have a plan?
The following is a guest post from Ross at Cash Rebel. He’s a 20-something engineer who writes about frugality, sustainability, and stick-to-itiveness. He’s striving to reach financial independence by age 35. I read a statistic the other day that claimed only 17% of people had long term goals, and only 3% have actually written… Read more
Creating a worry-free financial life
Good morning! Today I have a guest post from Matt Becker, a personal finance blogger at Mom and Dad Money. Matt is a proud husband and dad and loves to share the financial lessons he’s learned with other young parents. You can find him on twitter and facebook. I hate it when I have to think about my… Read more
A change you need to know about
Good morning! Today I have a guest post from William Cowie from over at Bite the Bullet Investing and Drop Dead Money *I need to know how people can find enough hours in the day to run multiple blogs!*. He also offers a free course on the basics of investing to anyone who didn’t think… Read more
Try change! It is good!
Why are people so reluctant to change their habits? ”It’s what we do”, ”it works for us”, ”we are just fine that way”. Really?? You spend $200 more on electricity than you really should because you can’t be bothered to check a comparison site and then complain that you are broke? You stop for a… Read more
February goal: Declutter my digital and online life
My 13 money resolutions for 2013 were quite a popular series, and after simplifying, organizing and managing actively my finances, I have decided to tackle my online life in February. To put things lightly, everything is a mess. My computer, my inbox, my social accounts…. Everything is growing wild and like a garden that is… Read more
13 money resolutions for 2013: #12 make a plan!
This post is part of a 13 money resolutions for 2013 series. You can check the first post for an updated list of the following ones. Already 12 money resolutions that we explored together, and I still haven’t said the B word. So I’ll say it. Please spreadsheet enthusiasts don’t throw stones at me. I… Read more