Before I move to Guatemala, I need to put all my valuable possessions into one suitcase, and one carry-on luggage. A task that is not much different to packing for a 2 weeks holiday, since in this case I will be able to wash my clothes on site. Still, I don’t plan on coming back for at least six months, so I have to be prepared for all kinds of climates and occasions, and packing appropriately is a must.
I am cutting the fat here about the first tries, and all that I had initially selected and then removed, to make it short I tried to be
Circumstance appropriate: I am off to a rural area, to build a house and transform an old ranch. Do I really need three pairs of heels and twelve dresses? With little clothing, I need sturdy items, that are also classics and can be adapted to many occasions.
Weather appropriate: I am going to live under the sun, two sweaters in case I go somewhere cold and one jacket should be enough.
Personality appropriate: I live in flip flops most of the year, I don’t need 12 pairs of socks.
Cost appropriate: I can buy cheap t-shirts if I need to over there, for $4 or $5, whereas buying a new jacket would cost me $200. It is worth bringing the jacket.
This was tough because after almost two years traveling on a motorcycle, I wanted to bring clothes that I didn’t get to wear during that time. Once again I have to limit myself, although I also realize that I really don’t need much. However, there should be wedding and parties invitations, unlike during the bike trip, when I will have to dress formal.
I took my favorite items because I have few things and want to enjoy them. I know I will use them heavily and my favorite pair of jeans will probably be unwearable after three months. But I want to be comfortable in things that fit and flatter my body shape.
What made the cut and is going to Guatemala?
One small handbag with
My passort. Duh.
My wallet with credit cards, a few Euros, my driving license.
A few checks in case I need to bring Euros over.
Some stamps. You never know when you need to send an urgent letter home and there is just someone taking the next flight who can post it.
ID pictures. To ask for a visa, renew a lost passport, it saves time.
Carry-on backpack with
1 USB stick
1 Ipod and earphones
1 ”dumbphone” (will buy a SIM card there)
1 USB 3G modem (will buy another SIM for internet access)
1 portable hard drive.
1 digital camera
Their respective chargers and an international adapter.
One pair of flip flops for the plane
1 tshirt and underwear for the long trip through Mexico
1 toothbrush, toothpaste and floss
Some facial wipes
1 pair of sunglasses
Enough space left to put the small purse inside that backpack and not offend the flight attendants with one piece of luggage policy.
Anything valuable, breakable, and that I can’t simply afford to lose because ”we are sorry, we can’t seem to find your bag” is in there. The rest is in my suitcase that I check-in.
1 suitcase with
9 tshirt (plus 1 on me), of various shapes and colors
4 nicer tops
2 formal shirts
4 tank tops
2 sweaters 1 hoodie
1 formal skirt, 2 formal dresses
1 summer skirt, 3 summer dresses
1 pair of jeans
1 pair of sweat pants
1 pair of khaki short pants
1 legging
1 pair of light pants to serve as pajamas
5 bras (1 strapless, 1 sports)
5 pairs of socks, 1 pair of tights
10 panties.
2 swimming shorts, 1 one piece swimming suite, 1 two piece suite.
one pair of sneakers
one pair of heels
one pair of Moroccan babouches (kind of slippers) for inside the house
second pair of flip flops. I basically live in them
wearing one pair black boots because they would take a lot of space
1 scarf
1 sarong
1 Swiss army knife
1 bottle opener
a little jewelery, one necklace and a few earrings, don’t want to attract too much attention.
Just the good stuff 🙂 that I know will be either complicated or expensive to buy.
One perfume
One expensive day face cream
Girl stuff such as make-up, Mooncup (if you use tampons know that you won’t find them everywhere), hairbrush, etc.
will buy shampoo, shower gel, soap and toothpaste over there.
I try to be comfortable when I fly, so I put on my ample jeans, ample tshirt and a hoodie, plus a jacket. They are all part of the list above, and everything fits in my suitcase, so when I travel through Mexico and wear less clothes because it is hot, I can repack accordingly.
1/4 of my suitcase is still empty, so I can put something at the last minute and won’t break my back carrying it. I also have a duffel bag inside because the suitcase it BF’s.
Are you packing lighter or heavier with the years? Ever come back from a holiday with things you didn’t use?
I always pack my whole life pretty much. I’m HORRIBLE with packing.
Writing it down helped me a lot actually, I think I would have packed more if not.
I can pack very light and usually have everything done in 10 minutes. My wife on the other hand needs a ful day and packs everything she owns. That is when I step in and tell her that we are not paying for baggage fees 🙂
We spent a month in Europe a few years ago and had just our backpack. That was a real test for both of us, but her more than me.
Wait until the baby comes and see if you can still pack light!! I guess my cheap side and the baggage fees definitely helped me learn how to pack only the minimum
Looks like you have packed very well. I can tend to get what I need packed in 15-20 minutes. My wife is pretty good about it as well. We both learned after our first international trip to be minimalistic about what we bring and it saves us a lot of trouble. Have a great flight!
Thank you John! I have been at it for a while, but there was a lot of procrastination involved. If I go away for three days I can pack in 15 minutes, not sure I would have been able on that one.
You seem to cover all of your bases. I agree with the fact that you should take expensive stuff like jackets, and buy cheap stuff like shirts there. I try to travel light myself, but thinking about one year and one suitcase… that sounds tough! When I fly, I make sure to have all the valuables on me, like you say, you don’t want the airline to lose that stuff. Also, try to be as comfy as possible during flight.
It is tough but anything I miss, I can buy. As long as I have my passport and a credit card, I feel fine.
I always pack entertainment stuff (cards, small games) ‘in case I’m bored.’ Those NEVER come out. Why do I keep packing them? Probably because the second I quit, I’ll be bored and wish I brought them along.
haha! I often pack a big book and always end up reading girly magazines instead.
The luggage restrictions these days are crazy. You sound extremely well organized. I love reading girly magazines on the plane as well, instead of a book. I always bring my laptop, but I’m not one to use that on a plane. There’s never enough elbow room to begin with.
ouch, can’t think about spending 9 hours tomorrow on a tiny tiny seat! Organization came with experience, I have carried too many things around, hurting my back and getting tired so now I prefer to bring the minimum, and still, I am pretty sure that I could go with half of it!
This is so exciting!!! Can’t wait for the stories to come 🙂
Hopefully I will have an internet access to tell them!! Looks like someone stole the wiring from my house :s
I’m terrible at packing for trips! I usually bring 3x as many clothes and shoes as I need. For our last trip, we went to Whistler (a ski resort near Vancouver) and I somehow ended up with 4 pairs of shoes for a 2 night trip. Sigh.
lol. writing down this list actually helped. you could try making one saying ok, one week, seven shirts, plus one formal. and so on. you should still come back with unused items!
I bring more than that on a week’s! vacation. I always overpack…and never end up wearing/using most of it. You did great!
can’t imagine how much you brought to your last holiday with the kids!
can’t imagine how much you brought on your last holiday with the kids!
I’m impressed! Nice job limiting what you are bringing. I don’t know if I would be able to limit it as much as you did…actually I know I wouldn’t be able to.
lol I started by eliminating what I didn’t use on previous trips and then with experience got better at it. Still, when I look at some minimalists I bring ten times what they do!
Nice work Pauline, I can’t believe you are managing to only take 1 suitcase! I just went away on a weeks holiday and took more than that :s
hehe wait until you have to carry your suitcase through three countries during a 48 hours bus ride/flight/more bus, you’ll want to pack light too!
OH! You NEED to look into getting a versalette!
I also tend to travel super, super compactly. It’s amazing how little we can get away with, when we think through our wardrobes and make every decision count. I did a 2 month cycling trip in south america, so all of the weight of items really made a difference to me and I was very picky about what I took.
Thank you for the recommendation Anne, I’ll have a look when I get a decent internet access. Wow 2 months cycling, which countries did you cross? My max is one month from Guatemala to Cancún, I remember wanting to slap myself for bringing to much when tackling an ascending road!
I’ve only been on one trip to Europe and was determined to pack light into a carry on. It took me a long time to plan and find clothes that were easy to pack and hand wash, but were also warm enough for winter,which was when we went. I guess you get better the more you do it.
I always seem to either way OVERPACK or forget crucial things. Where’s the middle ground??
I like not bringing back on the next trip what I didn’t use on the first one. I hand wash my clothes in hot countries and they dry by the next day. For a week, I think I would be packing almost as much as for a month.
Thank you John ! I read your article that you helped me a lot actually.