If you find it necessary to send money overseas, you might be shocked by the poor exchange rates and expensive transfer fees offered by domestic banks. A foreign exchange or currency broker can be a much better option. Property buyers have an increasing number of choices available to them, and can look to specialist online… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: transfer
Send or spend: A Guide to spending or sending money overseas
When moving money, costs fall into two simple categories: fees and the exchange rate. It’s crucial to check both out. Fees. The obvious charge. A multitude of fees, charges or commission can apply, both for the sender and the recipient. Many providers levy lots of small charges to disguise exactly how much it… Read more
How a Credit Card Can Help You Save Money
Similar to a prescription or over-the-counter medicine, credit cards can either be beneficial or detrimental to your health (financial health, in the case of credit cards), depending on whether you use them correctly or abuse them. Let’s take a look at several ways that credit cards can actually save you money, if used… Read more
Currency Exchange and Money Transfers Abroad Update
Easter week was kinder to the euro than the two that had gone before. The single currency strengthened by nearly a cent against the pound and by one and a quarter US cents in currency exchange markets. Its performance over the last month looks less sparkling: down by two cents against sterling and… Read more