There are so many ways to accumulate debt these days, from credit cards, store cards, personal loans and so much more. Sometimes all these different types of debts can have very high interest rates and it’s often a good idea to consolidate all your debt into one loan with a lower interest rate. It also… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: repay
What to look for in a mortgage
Are you looking for a mortgage? If so, there are many things to take into consideration, here are a few tips to make sure you don’t make a decision lightly and are happy with both your new home and your financial situation. How much down payment is ideal? If you put as much… Read more
The road to good credit
There is a cool infographic about how you can improve your credit. Having a good credit is important even if you have no debt, because the day you will want a mortgage or a new credit card, the rate on said items will be a direct correlation of your credit score. Thankfully, with a few… Read more
Taking a holiday while in debt
There has been a lot of talk lately around the PF-sphere, about what people should and shouldn’t do while in debt. In the first camp, the debt-free extremists argue that you should stop living until you have paid off all consumer debt, and send every bit of extra cash towards your debt snowball. On… Read more
Tips To Effectively Erase Payday Loan Debts
Thousands of people borrow money through a payday loan to help pay their bills. While these loans can be useful when used as intended, the reality is that many borrowers discover that they have other financial obligations due when it comes time to pay back the loan. Fortunately, getting rid of payday loan debts… Read more