Morning! Today I want to show you a very simple thing: there is no ridiculous amount in savings. $10 per week can add up to a great deal of money over the long term. Yes, it won’t be sexy at first, but with the power of compound interest it can help you build a serious… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: rate
It is not about how much you have, it is about the returns
Unless you have millions, of course. Then the returns still matter, but not so much, you can live quite well on what your millions make on a 3% savings account. I was checking my net worth the other day, and realized my investments give me a monthly return just over 1%. That is the… Read more
Can cheap labor make you lazy?
Before I moved to Guatemala, I was looking at houses in the South of France. For the same price, I would have gotten a run down house, that I would have had to fix myself. There I was, daydreaming about my carpenter self, my mason self and my architect self. Yeah, sure. Most likely, I… Read more
The price of having a roommate
I have almost always lived with roommates and some of them were a pleasure to be around, while others were a real pain. With some we would make dinner together, or go out, and with other we wouldn’t talk for months. Obviously the first is nice while the later isn’t that great. When I moved… Read more