I just went to buy my BF his Christmas present. I suck at gift giving, and I don’t really do Christmas anyway, so it is always complicated to find something nice. And usually, I find most cheap presents so annoying that I overcompensate with something super expensive in the end. Or nothing. This year, I… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: ideas
Every little counts
A couple of days ago, I was talking about failure, and how it affects people. Some will set the bar too high, then fail and give up. I don’t really mind failure, I’ve had my fair share of it, and also my fair share of success. Why? Because when I failed, I didn’t… Read more
Our not so typical frugal family
Morning! Today I have a post from Betsy, let me know if you would like to guest post on RFI, I publish a guest post every Wednesday. Betsy writes as CollegeMom at ConsumerFu.com. She is the mother of two college age daughters. She and her husband live on four acres of old farmland with two… Read more
7 Ways to Make Money in College
Morning! Today I have a guest post from Kevin who blogs at Graduating From Debt, enjoy! My name is Kevin Watts and I am the creator of Graduating from Debt. I was like millions of recent college graduates in heavy debt with very little hope. With the right attitude and discipline I took control of… Read more
A laptop dilemma
I like them small, and strong. Laptops, that is. And mine is not so strong anymore. I currently write this post from an Asus EEEPC that I bought in December 2009 for around $450. No, I don’t have a spreadsheet with the exact cost, I am a bad PF blogger, I know… Anyway, I have… Read more
Complicated European holiday arrangements
It is time for a deserved holiday back to France! That trip is part of my 2013 financial goals and I can’t wait to go. May is a lovely season if you remember my travel tips for France, the days are sunny, there are 3 bank holidays making 3 long weekends, and my sister is turning… Read more
It happens to the best!
Good morning! My post for today is the 13 money resolutions for 2013 step 5: review your expenses, that you can read on that link if you haven’t yet. I accidentally hit publish instead of schedule on Sunday and instead of overwhelming people with two posts in their RSS thought I’d own to my mistake… Read more
How to keep your spending low while staying social
If you have friends with whom you have always spent lots and lots of money, going to the mall, out to dinner or taking expensive vacations, curbing your spending while in their company can be very hard. I have found that many of my friends wish they would spend less money on drinks and partying,… Read more
Step 17: Grow a garden
This post is part of a 30 days series called the 30 steps program to financial independence. You can check the list of other posts here. On the same line as performing maintenance on your vehicle, growing a garden is pretty easy, can save you money, help you eat healthier and be a super cheap hobby…. Read more