We are all busy, and we all want to spend time doing things that are important to us, be it spending more time with the kids, enjoying a hobby or focusing on our careers. Not doing routine tasks like cooking. Still, today I want to show you that there are ways to save time in… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: food
I am a killer! (and costs of eating your own food)
Vegetarians and faint of heart, go down to the last paragraph or join us tomorrow for another fresh post 🙂 I don’t know if I am really proud of it, but kind of, so yay for being a killer I guess. I have been talking for quite some time around here about… Read more
A trip to the supermarket, I don’t know what to buy!
Since January, I have been logging my grocery shopping over at Canadian Budget Binder. Mr CBB started the Grocery Game Challenge so that each participant starts to realize where his/her money goes when grocery shopping, avoid waste and stay within budget. I don’t really care how much I spend on grocery to be honest, because… Read more
Easy Spanish tortilla
Now that we have lots and lots of eggs from our dear hens, we are trying to get creative in the kitchen! Spanish tortilla is a favorite of mine because it is a quick, really easy recipe and you can throw any vegetable in there to avoid food waste. Diced bell peppers, jalapeños, garlic, tomatoes…… Read more
How to save money on grocery shopping
 I really don’t like to shop or go to the mall, but grocery shopping is the exception. I love it. I could spend an hour every day choosing fresh produce for my lunch and a new kind of cheese. My fridge and cupboards are probably stocked with enough to hold a siege for a… Read more
Happy Bastille Day!!
Today is July 14th, and for the French, that means Bastille Day. Like birthdays are special days to show people how much you love them, I thought I’d make a list of what I love most about my country. I’ll leave the bad and the ugly for another post!  What I love about… Read more