Good morning! This is a guest post from Vanessa from, she writes about using money to buy freedom, how to become financially independent, and what it really means to live the good life. She is lucky to live in New Zealand where the excellent beaches make up for the high cost of living. You can… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: spending
Spending on daily items, quality or price?
I like to think that the difference between being cheap and being frugal is you get to spend money on items that you will use regularly and get a longer lifespan out of, saving money over the long term. But there are products that last roughly the same, independently of their cost. Do you sometimes… Read more
Why I care about financial literacy and why you should too
Good morning! Today I have teamed up with a few other blogs around Shannon from The Heavy Purse to help promote Financial Literacy Month. What is financial literacy? According to Wikipedia, financial literacy is the ability to understand how money works in the world: how someone manages to earn or make it, how that person… Read more
Can you gamble responsibly?
Gambling, like drinking is a way to get entertained and have a good time. And just like drinking, you can overdo it. A drink is fine, 10 drinks and getting sick in your friend’s car is too much. How can you gamble responsibly? Remember the odds Before you go gambling, sober… Read more
4 Tips for Controlling Your Holiday Spending
This is a guest post from Taylor B., the founder and editor of You can follow him on Twitter @RepaidOrg or on’s Facebook page. One way to insure a happy new year is to keep a lid on your holiday spending. While that sounds easy enough to do, when was the… Read more
How to keep your spending low while staying social
If you have friends with whom you have always spent lots and lots of money, going to the mall, out to dinner or taking expensive vacations, curbing your spending while in their company can be very hard. I have found that many of my friends wish they would spend less money on drinks and partying,… Read more