My new flat I remember when I moved in the new flat I had just bought. It was a brand new flat in the center of town, with 3 bedrooms, a beige carpet and white walls. It smelled like fresh paint and it was mine. Waw. All of the flat was of… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: new
Little house in Guatemala, week 3
If you haven’t entered yet, you can win $100 cash in the being thankful giveaway, click her for all the details! We trimmed the trees for a better view. This is the third part about the (slow) conversion of the land I bought in Guatemala and my new… Read more
Step 18: Learn new skills
Learn new skills This post is part of a 30 days series called the 30 steps program to financial independence. You can check the list of other posts here. For the past few days, I have talked about growing a garden, and performing maintenance on your vehicle, little ways that help you not only save money,… Read more