We are all busy, and we all want to spend time doing things that are important to us, be it spending more time with the kids, enjoying a hobby or focusing on our careers. Not doing routine tasks like cooking. Still, today I want to show you that there are ways to save time in… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: cooking
Easy Spanish tortilla
Now that we have lots and lots of eggs from our dear hens, we are trying to get creative in the kitchen! Spanish tortilla is a favorite of mine because it is a quick, really easy recipe and you can throw any vegetable in there to avoid food waste. Diced bell peppers, jalapeños, garlic, tomatoes…… Read more
If you could only eat one thing, what food would it be?
If for the rest of your life, you could only eat one dish, what would you choose? Breakfast, lunch, and dinner? You can chose a dish with several ingredients, but not a soup, with a side of sushi, a side of steak, and a side of chocolate cake. I think I would go for some… Read more
Easy tasty 5 minutes guacamole recipe
I know a few of you around here are guacamole fans, so I would like to share my super easy guacamole recipe today. Avocados are delicious in Guatemala, so guacamole is a big part of our diet. Lately, I have used this 5 minutes recipe, the only thing you need on top of the… Read more
Frugal recipe: Dough-less vegetable quiche
This is a super simple recipe, and perfect if you are on a zero food waste challenge, since you can use most of the vegetables that are about to go bad on your fridge. I love quiche, which is a French dish that usually comes with a crust, like a pie. The problem is, the… Read more
Zero food waste challenge update: reuse and repurpose to avoid getting bored.
I have been on a zero food waste challenge for about three months now, and while November and January have been going great, December was more complicated. BF came from Guatemala City with a big shop that he had done a week before so there were lots of apple and grapes (typical to eat around… Read more
Spinach and leek pizza
My lovely BF loves meat. He can have a meal of just meat, with a side of more meat. The problem is, we live $20 worth of gas away from the supermarket, so I usually buy a LOT of vegetables that will go bad quite fast, and as part of my November zero food waste goal, I… Read more