Going back to school is one way to boost the potential for a higher salary. The problem is that it costs money to go to college at any level. I have found working out a budget to pay for graduate studies can be quite frustrating. Regular living expenses are high enough without the… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: tuition
5 ways to save money as a student
Your time in college will be one of the most amazing times of your life. Freedom, friendships, parties… You will have a blast. That also means new categories in your budget, although there are ways to still have a great time in college without breaking the bank, saving money as a student is easier than… Read more
A generational approach of college student debt in America
In the years following the national economic recession, credit card debt has run rampant. While the country is taking great strides to recover from the collapse, debt still remains a major setback for young Americans. So much so that in 2010, the total credit card debt held by this population was surpassed by… Read more