Your time in college will be one of the most amazing times of your life. Freedom, friendships, parties… You will have a blast. That also means new categories in your budget, although there are ways to still have a great time in college without breaking the bank, saving money as a student is easier than… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: Room
Rent our little house in Guatemala on Airbnb!
Good morning! After announcing that we now offer free camping to RV and motorcycle travelers on our 90 acre land, I am pleased to announce that our lovely little house is now available to rent on Airbnb! If you are unfamiliar with the concept, Airbnb offers the possibility as a host to rent your extra… Read more
How much can you make renting your extra room?
According to, a website that allows you to rent your extra room to travelers, the AVERAGE earning of people renting through them in NYC is $21,000 a year. Wow. On average of about 10,000 people. What would you do with an extra $21,000 every year, just like that? (check out my article about Airbnb… Read more
Renting your extra room: is it worth?
Is it worth it to rent your extra room? I grew up in a big family, and holidays were often spent in cramped houses, where all the kids would be sharing a huge dormitory, and we would seldom shower. Then I moved on to campus housing, shoebox apartments and having between two and seven roommates…. Read more