Good morning! If you are following my blog income reports on Make Money Your Way, you know that ever since that second website launched at the beginning of July 2013, I have pledged 10% of my blogging income to go to scholarships for young students in my village. You can check the full project here,… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: give back
13 money resolutions for 2013: #11 give back!
This post is part of a 13 money resolutions for 2013 series. You can check the first post for an updated list of the following ones. Courtesy of Now that you got your finances back on track, it is time to get out there and give back. For many, during times of… Read more
Step 25: Give back
This post is part of a 30 days series called the 30 steps program to financial independence. You can check the list of other posts here. This is a step I am learning to master. People in Europe give way less money to charity than in the US. We are not used to donating money to… Read more