As a business owner, you want to have time to run and expand your business, instead of spending hours over the minutiae. Here are a few tips that will help you keep control of your finances while saving some time too. Having enough cash for small expenses At the moment, we… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: account
Online banking, how to choose the right bank account?
There are so many types of online bank accounts it can get overwhelming. Savings, investment, or current accounts, nowadays you can open most of them easily and manage them from the comfort of your home. I think that last part is what I like best about online banking, not having to go to the bank. I… Read more
A guide to managing your credit card account
If you know how to use it, having a UK credit card can be a very handy and convenient way to borrow. However, if you don’t understand the terms and conditions of your credit card and you don’t know how to properly manage your credit card account, you could end up with… Read more
Expat banking: how I manage bank accounts
I love to simplify my finances and have been ever since online banking started. Automated payments, savings, and rent deposits from my tenants make my life so much easier. But there is one thing I can’t do: having just one bank account. I need my French account to pay my taxes and receive birthday gifts… Read more