Are you working hard to achieve your goal of financial independence? It is a noble aim, definitely worth your pursuit. If you are working so hard toward that aim that you are sacrificing your physical well-being however, you may need to take a moment to analyze your situation.
Money is a means to an end. It is great that you want to achieve financial independence, but remember what you want to do with it. If you lose your health in the process, you will have a difficult time enjoying your freedom once you have finally achieved it.
What is more, without your health, you will be unable to proceed with your goal of financial independence. It will be impossible to work towards your goal if you are not well enough to work at all.
Poor health will set you back financially. American health care costs are skyrocketing. Obesity alone is a huge epidemic in America. Over $150 billion is spent annually dealing with obesity-related issues. Each American pays an average of about $1,500 in obesity-related health care costs. In that figure includes medication costs, hospital stays, doctor’s office visits, physical therapy, and more. All of these treatments are time and money-intensive “fixes” for your poor decisions. If you want to avoid all of these costly treatments, start taking care of your health now while you still can.
Staying in shape is incredibly important, both for your well-being and your financial plans. Taking care of yourself is a pretty easy task, too. Signing up for a gym membership can be a very low financial commitment. For as low as $29 you can sign up for a one month membership with a personal trainer. That is an exceptionally low cost to begin taking your health into your own hands. It might feel like a splurge you do not have room for right now, but your health is the most important thing you have.
If you are worried you might be choosing the wrong gym, follow these three easy steps to choose the right place for you. First, find a place that is as close to your regular traffic pattern as possible. You are worried about the best use of your time, right? Finding a place in your regular traffic pattern will ensure you do not spend too much time fretting over “lost” time traveling to and from your exercise spot. Secondly, sign up for the membership plan that makes the most sense for you. If you want to go once a week, great! You probably want an annual membership plan. If you are on the fence and just want to give a gym a try, see if they offer “passes” in packages of 10 or 20. With these, you can use them as infrequently as you want without feeling as though you are wasting money each day you are not at the gym. Lastly, be sure to check out what the gym offers in terms of facilities and equipment. You want to find a place that has equipment and facilities that match your desired work out- if you want great cardio, look for a pool. Want to lose weight? You probably want a spin class or some kind of group exercising.
If you look at your health as an investment plan, it is a far better investment strategy to invest in preventative health care than pay for medical intervention once you have lost your health.