Long time no blog! I am using this time of quarantine as a way to get reacquainted with the wonderful habit of journaling and blogging with a first person voice, keeping you and me entertained in the process. You may feel like you have missed a few episodes, or rather a whole season! I will try to catch up as we go. In the meanwhile, stay safe and wash your hands 🙂
Day 1 of quarantine has started as of March 20. Starting now, everyone in the state of California has to stay home, except to get food, seek medical treatment, or keep doing a job vital to day-to-day for others, such as manning a grocery store, a bank or a gas station.
The past few days leading to this have been very stressful, as I am now living in an RV on a military base with my U.S. Marine husband in San Diego (ok, you may have missed a couple of seasons!), and yesterday our base RV park told us they were closing because of the virus.
I pictured ourselves having to live in the streets of San Diego, which is forbidden, or having to split to he could keep working and I could retreat in a nearby forest with my dogs.
Because I can’t see trying to find a furnished apartment allowing to giant Great Danes as the city is preparing for lockdown a walk in the park.
At the last minute, we were able to move to another military RV park on Coronado Island, which I thought is an aptly name location to drink a few Coronas while waiting out the Coronavirus.
And then this journal started. A few thoughts for now
- Thank Goodness we have a place to stay. The campground is amazing, on the beach, and it’s only about 40 of us.
- They say they won’t close and kick us out, but I am still looking at plan B, C, all the way to Z.
- Z would be something like flying back to France and it would suck big time, so let’s hope option A lasts.
- People here have no respect for social distancing. While walking the dogs, a neighbor just showed up to pet them and talk to me like nothing. Another walked up to our spot to do the same.
- This won’t last two weeks.
- Yay for financial independence, that is one less worry.
- And yay for the library. Glad I stocked up in time.
Today, we had to move into yet another plot, but the campground is trying to have everyone settled until the end of the quarantine, and won’t be accepting new people next week.
I did go out today, mostly to get my car that had stayed behind during the move. The streets were pretty empty, but a lot of places, starting with my husband’s military base, had people gathering and not social distancing.
I really hope people realize that the longer they disobey the order, the longer it will take to go back to normal.
How about you? Where are you and how is that surreal situation panning out for you?