Even if you already have a good paying job and on well on your way to having financial independence, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to earn a little extra cash. One of the biggest hurdles, when working a full-time job, is that it can be difficult to find time to earn more money.
Here are some ways to make some extra cash without having to work too hard:
Clean Your House
Haven’t invested much time lately to clean out your closets, attic, basement, and garage? Now is the perfect time to start sorting through stuff you don’t want or need anymore. While some of your stuff is best left you donate, you probably have a few treasures worth selling.
Have a good old fashioned garage sale with friends or place a classified online or utilized social media to sell your stuff. Try to pick a fair, yet competitive, price. While you may not make a ton of money, the plus side is that you’re clearing out space at home.
Sell Antiques and Vintage Items
Do you have an eye for high-priced vintage items? Scope out local garage sales, thrift stores, or even your grandma’s attic. You may come across some in-demand items, like vinyl, clothing, and other antiques, that will sell for big money on eBay and similar sites.
Run Errands For Others
If you already do your grocery shopping and other errands on a Saturday afternoon, why not make extra cash for running a few errands for others? Sign up to be as “Tasker” and get hired to run errands or even do a few simple tasks around the house.
Depending on how often you accept tasks, you may make as little as $50 to a few thousand a month. At any rate, it’s a nice extra chunk of change.
Play Online Casino Games
Want to increase your chances of earning extra cash by having fun and staying at home? Playing at online casinos may be your answer. Fire up your computer or play on your smartphone, improve your slot machine strategy, and excitedly watch the money roll in.
Be a Pet Sitter or Dog Walker
Do you love animals? Taking care of other people’s pets is an easy way to make good money. Whether you stop in at your client’s place or you take a pet in, you are likely to have return customers if you do a good job.
A dog walker also makes a good amount of extra cash. If you were planning on going for a walk anyway, why not get paid to walk around the block?
Get Paid For Your Expertise
Depending on what you do professionally, you may be able to expand on your skills and get paid for offering services to others. Have a background in education? Consider tutoring. Use your skills to help others find “affordable” services and earn a little extra money. You may even be qualified to teach an online course.