Many times in life, we will just think about luxury items, or experiences, then shrug it off saying “I can’t afford it”. I remember the first time I treated myself to something really expensive. I was forking out about three months worth of efforts, sacrifices and savings in order to buy that item. Deep down, I was a bit worried that I would get as much enjoyment out of it as the price tag warranted. But then I got to thinking.
These efforts I made to save money for three months just consisted in not eating out that much, walking or cycling to school, and always wondering before I swiped my card: “do I really need this?”. Today, that is something I do automatically. Because while you can buy anything you put your mind to, you can’t spend more than you earn.
Think about it like a diet. You should eat a balanced diet every day. Then, once in a while, you could have a completely decadent meal, or dessert, or whatever you fancy. The key being, once in a while. It’s all about balance, and instead of gulping chips in front of TV every night, you could sit in front of a beautiful chocolate cake on Sunday, and enjoy every last bite.
The same goes with luxury items. Look at that infographic that Oliver’s Travels put together. They calculated how long it would take for you to save for such and such luxurious item. For example, for the cost of three large Domino’s pizzas, you could have an afternoon tea at the Ritz. That is, instead of a random weekly occurrence, you could have a once in a lifetime experience.
One interesting one is for 40 lottery tickets, you could hire a limo and go on a luxury ride around town. Like, how many people wait and dream for years buying lottery tickets, thinking about all the cool things they could do if they ever win? How about a 100% guaranteed lottery ticket? Wouldn’t that be awesome? Well, it’s called a piggy bank people. Just save the money, and you have a 100% chance of being able to use it down the road and buy whatever you please with it. Yes, there isn’t that multi million opportunity factor, but look at the odds!
Another quite easy one is that 43 pints of beers would get you a night in a five star hotels. Do you remember your last 43 drinks? I sure don’t. I remember nights with friends, some nicer than others, but I could just as well have had sparkling water and my time would have been just as nice.
So next time you are about to spend on things you won’t remember, ask yourself would you rather buy something exceptional instead?