Fighting your corner after you’ve sustained an injury at work can be costly. To begin with, just focus on recovering from your injuries. Getting the compensation you need doesn’t mean that you have to hire a heavy-duty lawyer and fall into debt. But neither should you just accept your situation without the damages that you deserve. Start thinking about the following while you convalesce:
Building a Good Foundation
It’s best if you avoid an accident, full stop. Your body is precious and legal battles can be stressful. While you’re at work, be mindful of any potential hazards around you. Inform your manager immediately if you spot anything that could potentially cause an accident.
Should you unavoidably end up in an incident, know the business’s approach to accidents on the job. Will you receive sick pay? Do you know where the accident report forms are kept?
Go to a medical professional straight away with your injury. Ask for the doctor’s details at the end of the appointment and a written statement of your condition. Save any receipts for medical expenses and follow all of your doctor’s instructions.
In a journal, write down the events of the accident, while they’re still fresh in your mind. Record any symptoms you’re experiencing and the effect this has had on your state of mind. Note down any wages you’re missing.
Contact Work
Email or telephone your manager and check that the accident has been recorded. Let him or her know the extent of your injuries and ensure that measures have been taken to protect other employees from the same fate.
If there were witnesses at the scene, contact them and ask them for their details. You may need to call on their accounts if you decide to take the case further.
Talking to Solicitors
Once you’ve recovered from your injuries as best you can, contact a no win, no fee personal injury company. Choose one that specialises in your type of injury or accident. Present your case to the consultant and bring as much evidence with you as possible, to back up your claims.
If the company decides to take you on board, the rest of the process is in their hands. They will contact your place of employment and enter into discussions with them. You may be asked to attend an independent medical examination to confirm the extent of your injuries. To begin with, your solicitor will try to settle a fair amount of compensation with your employers, but if these meetings aren’t satisfactory, you have the option to take the case to court.
Depending on the severity of your injuries, you could be permanently damaged for life or you may even be unable to continue work. Asking for compensation is the best way to ensure that you can survive without your usual wages. Don’t let your quality of life plummet because of an accident that wasn’t your fault.
Written by Ava Watkins in collaboration with Jigsaw Law accident at work solicitors
Untemplater says
I’m lucky I’ve never been injured on the job and that I have insurance just in case anything ever did happen. We just never know what could happen tomorrow so it’s good to be prepared.