Once thing that makes me cringe is people talking about how times are tough, and how hard it is to get a job. How tough was 1929? I never heard my grandparents saying “times were tough, we couldn’t find a job”, and they lived through WWII. They just got up their a**es and got to… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: work
Working abroad within your field of study
Since I graduated business school back in 2003 (how’s that for feeling old!), I have never held a job in France. I have worked legally in jobs loosely related to my administration degree in Guatemala, Spain and the UK, before I opted for location independent jobs and started freelancing from my laptop.
Are Virtual Offices the Future?
It’s certainly no secret that renting offices can be expensive. While they are absolutely essential to many businesses, it can be an expense that some smaller ones struggle to meet. Sometimes it can even be difficult justifying the price at all, particularly if your small business is mobile, or you’re a freelancer who prefers to… Read more
Second Helping: How to Pay for Graduate School
Going back to school is one way to boost the potential for a higher salary. The problem is that it costs money to go to college at any level. I have found working out a budget to pay for graduate studies can be quite frustrating. Regular living expenses are high enough without the… Read more
A job may cost you more than you think
I talked recently about my sister who is a single mum making a low wage, and would be making more Money, or at least have more disposable income if she were to stay at home, take care of her kid, and receive a check from the French government every month. While I… Read more
Effective employment
Our work is a more important part of our lives than we may realise. After all, it’s where you spend the majority of your time – at least five days a week, for most people. When somebody asks you about yourself, your job title tends to come in at third spot, after your name… Read more
The key skills needed for a successful career in marketing
A career in marketing can be challenging, creative and well-paid. Marketing jobs such as those available at Direct Line Group can offer a lot to the right candidate, but what experience are employers looking for and what key skills do you need to forge a successful career in marketing? What is marketing?… Read more
7 Ways to Make Money in College
Morning! Today I have a guest post from Kevin who blogs at Graduating From Debt, enjoy! My name is Kevin Watts and I am the creator of Graduating from Debt. I was like millions of recent college graduates in heavy debt with very little hope. With the right attitude and discipline I took control of… Read more
Accidents at Work Don’t Have to Be a Fight for Financial Fairness
Fighting your corner after you’ve sustained an injury at work can be costly. To begin with, just focus on recovering from your injuries. Getting the compensation you need doesn’t mean that you have to hire a heavy-duty lawyer and fall into debt. But neither should you just accept your situation without the damages that… Read more
Setting up a new office and keeping costs down
Copyright: R. Michael Stuckey/ Comstock Images/Thinkstock Setting up a new office can be both exciting and fun, it needn’t be hugely expensive. The key to keeping costs down is to have a clear picture of what you do and don’t need both in the short-, medium- and long term and to look for ways… Read more