If you are struggling financially and are considering taking out a payday loan to help pay off some of your outstanding debt, you need to think again. Payday loans are one of the worst type of loan to obtain, mainly because they come with significant fees and associated cost, as well as, high interest rates…. Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: welfare
Making ends meet when on welfare
With the cost of living continuing to rise while incomes stay flat, making ends meet can be very difficult. This is especially holds true for those on welfare with little to no means in increasing their benefit payments. In these difficult times with uncertainty in global financial markets, individuals and families must be savvy with… Read more
Would you rather…
…work and be broke or be a social parasite? I talked recently about my sister who is a nanny, and makes about $1,800 per month. After all work related expenses, and paying another nanny to take care of her own kid, she has about $350 left. And now she is getting divorced, so on top… Read more