You may have noticed that things have been pretty quiet over here, and to be honest, I think they’ll remain quiet until the end of the year. A lot has happened in “real life” and that has taken up most of my energy, so for the past month I was either crashing in bed exhausted… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: update
Charity pledge for education, October
Yes, I know it is December and I am late with so many posts, but real life has taken over, and will always be more important than online stuff, so please bear with me. I won’t merge October and November into one post as many things have happened in November so I don’t want to… Read more
Charity pledge for education, September update
Since I started Make Money Your Way mid 2013, I took a pledge to give 10% of my blogging income to support children education in my village. As you may have read in a previous update about the project, I gave two scholarships to the best two students of middle school so they can go… Read more
Little house in Guatemala, month 19
Time for a new life and house update, click here if you would like to see the Guatemala archives. The works are mostly finished in the new room, and it couldn’t be soon enough that the workers vacate and let us enjoy the peace and quiet of the beach. They have been there non-stop… Read more
Charity pledge for education update, July-August 2014
Since I started Make Money Your Way mid 2013, I took a pledge to give 10% of my blogging income to support children education in my village. As you may have read in a previous update about the project, I gave two scholarships to the best two students of middle school so they can go… Read more
Little house in Guatemala, month 16
Another instalment already? Yes, but don’t worry, I am done touting my little guest house… for now :). And yes, the updates have come in more frequently than monthly lately, but that is because I was late and stopped posting when we went to Europe. So here you go! If you want to see where… Read more
Financial goals update for Q1
Good morning! Over at Savvy Scot I have friendly reminder that the tax year in the UK is coming to an end on April 5th, so you only have a few days left to use up your ISA allowance. Click here to read more.. In January, I set five big financial goals for 2014, now is time… Read more
Little house in Guatemala, month 14
Time for a little update on your favorite Guatemalan telenovela… Last time I updated, the big piece of news was that our land development’s deeds got approved!! It is a big middle finger pointed right at the council as they had required us to provide a lot of useless and costly studies (telling me… Read more
Financial goals update 5
On January 1st, I set a number of financial goals, and will update every couple of months through the year. Here is the third review. You can check the January-February one here and March-April there May-June there July – August there The main financial goal was to grow my net worth by 30%. After spending over… Read more
10% blog income pledge for education update
Good morning! If you are following my blog income reports on Make Money Your Way, you know that ever since that second website launched at the beginning of July 2013, I have pledged 10% of my blogging income to go to scholarships for young students in my village. You can check the full project here,… Read more