Going back to school is one way to boost the potential for a higher salary. The problem is that it costs money to go to college at any level. I have found working out a budget to pay for graduate studies can be quite frustrating. Regular living expenses are high enough without the… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: study
How to Know If an Online Accounting Degree is Right for You?
If you enjoy working with numbers and equations, pursuing a career as an accountant might be the right move. I firmly believe that everyone deserves to find enjoyable work. Too often, I hear people complain about their jobs. Dissatisfaction seems to be a common trend, although I realize that some people have found meaningful work…. Read more
Choosing the right degree for you
Choosing a degree is a hard decision to make when you are only 18 and freshly out of high school. So far, most decisions were made for you, and knowing at such a young age what you want to do for the rest of your life is rare. Many people don’t find their… Read more
How to Create a College Student’s Monthly Budget
Working out a budget as a college student can be nerve-wracking. Aside from figuring out how to pay for college tuition, there is also the matter of where you’re going to live, what you’ll eat and whether you will ever be able to buy fashionable clothes again. I was one of those lucky college students… Read more
8 Ways to Improve Your Chances for Scholarship Money
Going to college is about more than learning. It’s about setting up your future. When you’re getting paid to do what you love in your chosen career field, it’s not so much like work. Going to college sets up that ideal future. Unfortunately, colleges and universities cost money. Scholarships are one way to get a… Read more
The Perks of a Nursing Career
The world’s economy is in a state of unprecedented distress, and has been for quite a while. We’ve been conditioned to take whatever is on the board when it shows up, lest someone else swoop in a grab it before we get the chance. Money isn’t getting rich. It’s getting by. Regardless of whether… Read more