I have made sushi at home today, I didn’t have the first idea about it, my ex tried a few years back and was pretty good at it so I never got my hands dirty with it. You can make your own sushi for as little as $4 per person. I was talking last week… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: steps
My 7 Steps to Financial Freedom – A Proven System for Building Your Wealth
Please welcome back Anton from Dream Cash True who just launched a new ebook! let me know if you would like to guest post on RFI. Despite what some people may say or believe, building wealth is not that complicated. You don’t need to earn a high six-figure salary, know some secret investing strategy… Read more
Step 30: Enjoy!
This post is part of a 30 days series called the 30 steps program to financial independence. You can check the list of other posts here. We all have a dream. A dream of what life would be like if we didn’t have to work for the money. Or work at all. What would you do?… Read more
Step 29: Give up your job
This post is part of a 30 days series called the 30 steps program to financial independence. You can check the list of other posts here. I remember very clearly the last time I sent a recorded, signed-for delivery letter to my boss. Christmas day 2009. He must have had a good one! I really hated… Read more
Step 28: The tipping point where your income = expenses
This post is part of a 30 days series called the 30 steps program to financial independence. You can check the list of other posts here. If you have followed your progress towards financial independence, you have seen your passive income grow little by little, to reach $5 a month, $10 a month, and so on…. Read more
Step 27: Make a plan with deadlines
This post is part of a 30 days series called the 30 steps program to financial independence. You can check the list of other posts here. I like goals. They keep me going and motivate me. I don’t always reach my goal, I fail, get up and try again, or give up for another goal. Money… Read more
Step 25: Give back
This post is part of a 30 days series called the 30 steps program to financial independence. You can check the list of other posts here. This is a step I am learning to master. People in Europe give way less money to charity than in the US. We are not used to donating money to… Read more
Step 24: Find a job related to your passion
This post is part of a 30 days series called the 30 steps program to financial independence. You can check the list of other posts here. When I couldn’t stand my job anymore, I started thinking hard about what I should be doing next. I needed to find a job that was both something I loved… Read more
Step 23: Find your passion
Find your passion This post is part of a 30 days series called the 30 steps program to financial independence. You can check the list of other posts here. On your way towards financial independence, it may be very hard for you to stay behind a desk for 50 hours a week, dreaming of what life… Read more
Step 22: Now that life is cheap, find out how much your really need
This post is part of a 30 days series called the 30 steps program to financial independence. You can check the list of other posts here. We have talked in the past few days about what financial independence can mean to different people, and what it means to me. It means being able to live a… Read more