How do you start a small business in the field of your choice? Although the question is simple, the answer is complex. In fact, it’s such a loaded question that many people never launch their own business. Starting your own business can be intimidating. Besides the massive amount of work you have to do to… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: small business
Taking the initiative: Tackling debt in your small business
It isn’t just the way a business performs that governs whether it gets into trouble through debt. At any one time there can be multiple factors outside management control that can change the business landscape almost overnight. Whether you are managing a family business or working as a sole trader or freelancer, the financial realities… Read more
How to Save When Starting a Small Business
There is so much to learn about starting a small business, it can seem overwhelming at times. I think we can all agree that starting your own business is the best way to financial independence (or the worst, if you don’t do it right). To start a new business you need some money – creating… Read more
From freelancing to small business
Are you thinking from being a frееlаnсеr tо stаrt your оwn busіnеss? Аnd buіld uр а tеаm оf tаlеnt sо gооd thаt you саn dоmіnаtе your еntіrе nісhе. Вut thеrе аrе quіtе а fеw rіsks іnvоlvеd from freelancing to small business. Click here to read more..