Disclaimer: Today’s post is a guest post about Planwise, a tool that allows you to realize the impact of money decisions. It is FREE to use, and I am not making money by recommending it. Whether you are buying a home, a car, paying off debt or getting a raise at work, you can see how these changes in… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: saving
Snowflaking my way through September
September has been a strange month for me. I stopped traveling, after 5 months touring around Europe on a motorcycle with BF, and came back ”home”, to Paris. I call this place home because I have no other home at the moment, but I actually am staying with my mum for a few weeks, and… Read more
Why I never had much of an emergency fund
I know most personal finance experts recommend that you have an emergency fund. I never really felt concerned by that for several reasons. First, because I have always been pretty reasonable with my finances. I always saved a lot, and during any given month, I could just have stopped saving and used that money in… Read more
Step 14: Reduce your car use
This post is part of a 30 days series called the 30 steps program to financial independence. You can check the list of other posts here. As you (and me) walk your way towards financial independence, you start realizing that there are some things you don’t really need. A car may be one of them. You may… Read more
Step 13: Reduce your energy footprint
Reduce your energy footprint This post is part of a 30 days series called the 30 steps program to financial independence. You can check the list of other posts here. Another important part of your income is probably going towards energy costs. I’ll be broad here and also include gas. If you reduce those expenses, it… Read more
Step 10: Minimize your wants
This post is part of a 30 days series called the 30 steps program to financial independence. You can check the list of other posts here. Minimize your wants If you want to reach financial independence quickly, it is necessary to save as much money as you can. While you can brown bag it to work… Read more
Step 3: Figure out how much you will need
Step 3: Figure out how much you will need This third step to financial independence is one of the most important, because if you don’t know how much you will need then you don’t know when you can actually stop working and enjoy your lifestyle and independence. One of my cousins works in finance. He… Read more
Coming up: 30 ways to reach Financial Independence
I am starting a series in August, that I hope you will like. I will describe 30 ways to reach financial independence, one per day. We will talk about the basics, like saving money, starting a fund for your future financially independent life, and run a few numbers to see how much you need to… Read more