I first saw this post on Free Money Finance together with an interesting piece of information: the median American net worth is not even $69,000, down for the past few years due to the loss in house equity mainly. Most of this relative wealth is kept in the form of retirement accounts, real estate, and… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: save
Why an early start makes all the difference
I have started working at the age of 12 or 13. No child labor, I was a baby sitter, then a tutor to smaller kids, and since I also played the piano well enough, my music teacher would lend me the music room at lunch time to teach a one hour lesson. I remember I… Read more
How I built wealth faster
I was talking to a friend recently, about how having kids made him a better worker. He wanted to give his kids the best, and whatever happened, he needed to feed two more mouths each day. He said he had never been making so much money because finding money to cover food, clothing and schooling… Read more
How to make your own sushi
I have made sushi at home today, I didn’t have the first idea about it, my ex tried a few years back and was pretty good at it so I never got my hands dirty with it. You can make your own sushi for as little as $4 per person. I was talking last week… Read more
Raising chickens, another investment?
Happy Monday! Today I want to crunch the numbers about raising chickens. We have had laying hens for four months now, but it is still a bit early to tell how the first generation of chickens born in the property will fare. Today, I will look at what I know and maybe update in a… Read more
Ways to Save Up for Christmas Shopping
Every year, it seems that Christmas creeps up on us suddenly and without warning. Gone are the balmy days of summer and we now find that we are only weeks away from this memorable holiday. Unfortunately, Christmas is also associated with a great deal of financial stress. Do you find that your finances are nowhere… Read more
Easy ways to save money when eating out
Good morning! Join me to welcome Glen, who is the owner of www.howtosavemoney.guru a personal finance website that is primarily dedicated to helping others learn to save money, but also touches on topics regarding making money online. Let me know if you would like to guest post on RFI. Eating out is often one of the first… Read more
A Simple Guide to Your First Investment
Whether you’re just out of university and looking to start making money, or you’ve got a few years of work under your belt but your salary just isn’t affording you the lifestyle that you’d like, learning to invest your money could help you to achieve more of those luxuries that you currently have to avoid… Read more
5 ways to prepare for retirement
Many of us can’t wait until we retire. With nicknames such as ‘the Golden Years’ and the thought of being able to sleep in everyday, it’s understandable why so many people look forward to this time in their life. The truth is however, planning for your retirement is fundamentally important to ensure you get the… Read more
Achieving Any Goal with Current CD Rates
Credit Whether you’re saving up for a house, a vacation or home improvements, you undoubtedly know the challenges of growing your bank account. Several factors can hinder your ability to save quickly. A car repair may force you to dip into your personal savings account, or you may need to withdraw money for… Read more
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