This is a guest post from Connie, she is a freelance writer, editor, and content manager. She works in the eCommerce industry and is passionate about all things digital. She is also the founder of Savvy With Saving, a personal finance blog for millennials. You can connect with Connie on Twitter @SavvyWSaving. Let me know if… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: renting
3 Factors to Consider Before Deciding on Renting or Buying Your Next Home
Knowing whether you should rent or buy will mostly depend on your finances. There are pros and cons to both renting and buying, but knowing which is better for you can be determined by doing your research on both your finances and the property you would potentially be moving into. Here are three important… Read more
The price of having a roommate
I have almost always lived with roommates and some of them were a pleasure to be around, while others were a real pain. With some we would make dinner together, or go out, and with other we wouldn’t talk for months. Obviously the first is nice while the later isn’t that great. When I moved… Read more
How much can you make renting your extra room?
According to, a website that allows you to rent your extra room to travelers, the AVERAGE earning of people renting through them in NYC is $21,000 a year. Wow. On average of about 10,000 people. What would you do with an extra $21,000 every year, just like that? (check out my article about Airbnb… Read more
Renting your extra room: is it worth?
Is it worth it to rent your extra room? I grew up in a big family, and holidays were often spent in cramped houses, where all the kids would be sharing a huge dormitory, and we would seldom shower. Then I moved on to campus housing, shoebox apartments and having between two and seven roommates…. Read more
How I became a landlady
I have always had this financial independence idea in the back of my head, ever since I started working and realizing that a normal, 9 to 5 job is not the thing for me. And when thinking about how to produce passive income, real estate was always on the top of my head. This is… Read more