Applying for a loan, mortgage or even something as small as a credit card can seem like a painstakingly long task. You can never be too sure whether or not the lender will accept your request, while your financial circumstances will have a significant impact on whether or not you can get such a… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: personal
What Does Financial Independence Mean to You?
Good morning all! Today I am blog swapping with John from Frugal Rules who gives us his opinion on financial independence. Please visit his site too, I wrote a guest post about how to learn languages frugally! What Does Financial Independence Mean to You? We live in a society that tells us we need… Read more
September goals review and October goals
Hi there! Had a good month of September? I can’t complain, I was really happy to come back to France and visit family and friends. How did I do on my goals… well, here is the detail. You can see my September goals here. BLOGGING GOALS WIN 5 FAIL 2 I changed the… Read more
What is financial independence?
I thought I should get right to the point of this blog: Reach Financial Independence. Ok, but what is Financial Independence exactly? Well, it is a point where you don’t really need to work, because you have generated enough passive income to do what you like in life and get money to live. You WHAT??… Read more