It’s certainly no secret that renting offices can be expensive. While they are absolutely essential to many businesses, it can be an expense that some smaller ones struggle to meet. Sometimes it can even be difficult justifying the price at all, particularly if your small business is mobile, or you’re a freelancer who prefers to… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: office
Equipment Costs: Leasing vs Buying
Is it time to start replacing some of your business equipment? You’re probably wondering if you should lease or buy. If you run a small business, you may think buying is the best way to go because you may not need as much equipment as a larger company. The truth is that the size of… Read more
Setting up a new office and keeping costs down
Copyright: R. Michael Stuckey/ Comstock Images/Thinkstock Setting up a new office can be both exciting and fun, it needn’t be hugely expensive. The key to keeping costs down is to have a clear picture of what you do and don’t need both in the short-, medium- and long term and to look for ways… Read more