I have started working at the age of 12 or 13. No child labor, I was a baby sitter, then a tutor to smaller kids, and since I also played the piano well enough, my music teacher would lend me the music room at lunch time to teach a one hour lesson. I remember I… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: loans
How to Find the Fastest Loans
Whether you’re looking for a loan for the holiday season or to catch up on bills, understanding the quickest ways to get a loan is imperative. There are several loan processes you can go through, even if you have bad or no credit established. Most of these take no longer than a week to get… Read more
Your options when money runs short
Whilst being perfectly independent from a financial perspective is the ideal state to be in, the reality can often be a little different. Even if you are, more or less, financially independent, there are always unexpected emergencies and surprises that can appear when money is low and not everyone has spare money sitting in a savings account… Read more
Potential pitfalls of being self employed
Working for yourself can seem like the dream job. Who wouldn’t want to avoid the daily commute, not to mention the demands of an impatient boss? Certainly, many Britons are deciding that self-employment is the right option for them — so much so that the UK is now fast-becoming Western Europe’s self-employment capital. The government… Read more
Tidy Up Different Bad Debt with One Solution
There are so many ways to accumulate debt these days, from credit cards, store cards, personal loans and so much more. Sometimes all these different types of debts can have very high interest rates and it’s often a good idea to consolidate all your debt into one loan with a lower interest rate. It also… Read more
Complaints about payday loan middlemen top 10,000 since turn of the year
Source Given the implied size of the problem – implied that is by sensationalist newspaper articles which report that “Complaints about payday loans double” – you’d think the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) was dealing with a barrage of complaints about payday lenders every single day. In reality, the opposite is true. In the year 2013-2014,… Read more
7 in 10 Brits have debt problems – how can we stop being overwhelmed by debts?
Imagesource.com According to latest studies, seven in ten Brits are experiencing debt problems, with many not responding to the issue until £1250 of debt has been accrued. Financial management can always prove to be a challenge even to the most savvy of individuals in the difficult times we live in, but these statistics really… Read more
How Can People with Bad Credit Apply for Car Loan in South Africa?
Bad credit can affect your financial status to a very large extent—dragging you further down as you struggle to find loan providers that will grant your loan application despite your less than stellar credit history. While it may be extra challenging to get a car loan—or any other type of loan—while your credit record shows… Read more
Avoid Payday Loans and Utilise Benefits
If you are struggling financially and are considering taking out a payday loan to help pay off some of your outstanding debt, you need to think again. Payday loans are one of the worst type of loan to obtain, mainly because they come with significant fees and associated cost, as well as, high interest rates…. Read more
Budgeting for a New Home: 4 Things to Consider
Your home is probably the most expensive and important investment you’ll ever make. It’s easy to get caught up in floor plans, wood finishes, and school systems while forgetting about the more mundane details of home buying. However, preparing a budget and managing your finances are extremely important tasks for any future homeowner. Here… Read more