I love New York. After Paris, it is probably my favorite city in the whole world. My mum took me there to visit some family when I was 15, and I guess you never forget your first love, well, NY was my first travel crush and has held a special place ever since. An article… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: life
Who Is Your Mentor? The Power of Great Coaches
Morning! Today I am happy to welcome Joe Saul-Sehy who will talk about how having mentors can push you to achieve much more than you thought possible. Let me know if you would like to guest post on RFI. A new post is up on Make Money Your Way about how you can market your… Read more
Little house in Guatemala, week 26-30
Happy Monday! As I write this, I have been home for three days, back from a much deserved and relaxing month in France. So what happens when you leave your beloved little house for a month and trust your handyman will handle the garden, animals and the house? Sh*t. BF stayed in Guatemala City while… Read more
What the animals taught me about life
It has been over three months now since the hens and rooster joined us in the little house in Guatemala. Then came the turkeys and geese, and at the beginning, I was treating them like babies. Once or twice a day you give them food (or more, if we are talking about babies, don’t feed… Read more
Defining my dream, little guest house in Guatemala
Good morning! Today is usually the day for a Guatemalan life recap, so I am publishing a post I wrote back when I got there, about the reasons why I ended up there, hope you like it! Cancún, Mexico. I just flew in, and my dream house, on a little patch of land by a… Read more
Pauline’s jacket and life priorities
I have been reconnecting with friends last week and it was so good. My group of closest girlfriends always tries to get together when I am around and we spent a lovely day at the beach, catching up on life and creating new memories. While we were there, my friend’s husband said something like “Oh,… Read more
Little house in Guatemala, stormy edition
Because I am so organized (/sarcasm), I already had my post lined up with the recap of the past two weeks, but on Friday night we were hit by a big storm. It had been a really hot and heavy week, the poor guys working on the land development tracing the plots were exhausted and… Read more
Why I care about financial literacy and why you should too
Good morning! Today I have teamed up with a few other blogs around Shannon from The Heavy Purse to help promote Financial Literacy Month. What is financial literacy? According to Wikipedia, financial literacy is the ability to understand how money works in the world: how someone manages to earn or make it, how that person… Read more
Are You Prepared for ANY Emergency?
Last month was supposedly the end of the world here, a big marketing coup from the not so Mayan descendents of one of the greatest civilizations of the world. We had been talking about the what ifs of the end of the world with BF for about a year. During our 5 months motorcycle trip… Read more
Life is not like the movies
Morning all! Today I have a guest post for you, from the lovely Tonya at Budget and the Beach. Enjoy! And remember you can still win $100 on the grocery giveaway Tonya is a freelance video editor and blogger living in Los Angeles. She enjoys movies, running and playing beach volleyball. You can follow her… Read more