I was talking to a friend recently, about how having kids made him a better worker. He wanted to give his kids the best, and whatever happened, he needed to feed two more mouths each day. He said he had never been making so much money because finding money to cover food, clothing and schooling… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: landlord
Manage your rental property with the landlord mobile app
Deciding to invest in a rental property may seem daunting, especially if you have little experience managing your own property, for example if you have been a tenant most of your life, or are going to invest in a completely different type of property than the one you live in. Knowing what is required… Read more
Landlord Responsibilities: What You Should Know Before Renting Your House
If your home isn’t selling, you may be thinking of renting it. What do you need to know about landlord responsibilities before becoming a landlord yourself? Go through this landlord checklist to be more prepared for the responsibilities you will face. 1. Tax, insurance and permit information: Being a landlord has… Read more
Budgeting for a New Home: 4 Things to Consider
Your home is probably the most expensive and important investment you’ll ever make. It’s easy to get caught up in floor plans, wood finishes, and school systems while forgetting about the more mundane details of home buying. However, preparing a budget and managing your finances are extremely important tasks for any future homeowner. Here… Read more
Managing a rental property from the distance
Hi! Today you can find me at Modest Money talking about how to crush your debt by earning more. I was also on Joe’s Stacking Benjamins podcast to discuss retiring abroad, which was a lot of fun although I am far from a radio pro like Joe is! As you may know, I own a… Read more
Are you a good tenant? Lower your rent!
Are you a tenant? Have you paid your rent on time, not trashed the place, or had the police knock at your door at 3am for noise disturbance? Then you fit right in the category of good tenants. Congratulations! As a landlady, I have had my share of good and bad tenants. Luckily, they all… Read more
The price of having a roommate
I have almost always lived with roommates and some of them were a pleasure to be around, while others were a real pain. With some we would make dinner together, or go out, and with other we wouldn’t talk for months. Obviously the first is nice while the later isn’t that great. When I moved… Read more
How I became a landlady
I have always had this financial independence idea in the back of my head, ever since I started working and realizing that a normal, 9 to 5 job is not the thing for me. And when thinking about how to produce passive income, real estate was always on the top of my head. This is… Read more