Playing the travel credit card rewards miles game can be tricky. For those who try to master it, the activity can quickly grow from hobby to part time job. It isn’t uncommon for the savviest travel card wranglers to have 5…10…20! And yet, it’s still possible to do this without having the whole operation spiral… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: hotel
Couchsurfing vs Airbnb, cheap and free holiday accommodation
Following my post about holidaying with friends on Tuesday, I wanted to compare Airbnb and Couchsurfing today. Airbnb allows you to rent someone’s place for the holidays, you can read my review here. If you are not familiar with Couchsurfing (CS), it is an hospitality network, where members join as hosts, guests or both, and… Read more
Traveling to Florida on a Vacation
Florida is a great vacation destination for the summer holidays. There are many different cities to visit, pretty beaches to relax at, and many fun things to do outside. Today, I will be talking about Clearwater Beach, Panama City Beach, Daytona Beach, and the various activities that you can do while there. The options for… Read more
What made me decide to live in a hotel full time
Good morning! Today I have a post from mochimac, a personal finance blogger at “Save. Spend. Splurge.” mochimac got out of $60,000 of debt in 18 months. She now lives in a hotel full-time, and works a lot less for a lot more money as a freelancing consultant. Please contact me if you would… Read more