Since financial education is pretty much non existent at school, you learn your money habits from your parents. Here is my family story. I was raised in a middle class family. My dad was the sole bread-earner for most of my childhood. My mum, a primary school teacher, stayed at home to raise me and… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: family
5 Financial Mistakes That New Parents Make
Finding out that you’re going to be parents is exciting — and terrifying. Are you really prepared to raise a child? Can you manage the sleep deprivation? Can you actually afford to have a baby? While most people find that the actual parenting aspect of having a baby works itself out, many new parents… Read more
As the nation prepares to celebrate the 1st birthday of Prince George this Thursday, home insurance specialist, Together Mutual Insurance, has compiled some top tips on safeguarding the home for those with a little havoc-wreaking prince or princess of their own. These include: opting for easy clean wallpaper, as children love scribbling (especially on walls). Baby… Read more
How my parents raised a financially responsible kid.
I remember when I was a kid, I had lots of games that required imagination, and one of my favorite was playing with fake money. I had a purse, and a wallet, complete with printed plastic cards that looked like real credit cards. They had animals printed on it and they were more like… Read more
Our not so typical frugal family
Morning! Today I have a post from Betsy, let me know if you would like to guest post on RFI, I publish a guest post every Wednesday. Betsy writes as CollegeMom at She is the mother of two college age daughters. She and her husband live on four acres of old farmland with two… Read more
Traveling to Florida on a Vacation
Florida is a great vacation destination for the summer holidays. There are many different cities to visit, pretty beaches to relax at, and many fun things to do outside. Today, I will be talking about Clearwater Beach, Panama City Beach, Daytona Beach, and the various activities that you can do while there. The options for… Read more
Are you an average couple?
Today I am answering money questions for couples that were published on DINKs finance. What are your answers? You can read the answers of Taylor from, Jay from The First Million is the Hardest, Money Beagle and J.Money from Budgets Are Sexy. 1. Would you discuss money on the first date? Sure. Or at… Read more
Preparing Financially for a Baby
Morning all! Today I am blog swapping with Glen from Monster Piggy Bank, so if you’d like to read some more, please head over to his site for my post about things we should be SPENDING money on! Also, it is not too late to enter the $100 giveaway that I am co-hosting, all the… Read more
Things I am thankful for and a $100 giveaway
Good morning all! Below is my first giveaway, where you can win $75 in cash or Amazon vouchers! If you can’t get enough of me, please check out my guest post on Daily Money Shot where I talk about how my PIANO was stolen and other robberies, together with a few tips to stay safe… Read more