Once thing that makes me cringe is people talking about how times are tough, and how hard it is to get a job. How tough was 1929? I never heard my grandparents saying “times were tough, we couldn’t find a job”, and they lived through WWII. They just got up their a**es and got to… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: employment
A job may cost you more than you think
I talked recently about my sister who is a single mum making a low wage, and would be making more Money, or at least have more disposable income if she were to stay at home, take care of her kid, and receive a check from the French government every month. While I… Read more
Effective employment
Our work is a more important part of our lives than we may realise. After all, it’s where you spend the majority of your time – at least five days a week, for most people. When somebody asks you about yourself, your job title tends to come in at third spot, after your name… Read more