Do you sit at work counting down the hours until it’s time to go home? What is it that makes you stay where you are? Many of us stay in jobs for far longer than we find them fulfilling and it’s not unusual for people to see work as a chore that just has to… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: dreams
Snatch Opportunity Like a Trapdoor Spider
Good morning, today I have a guest post from CJ for you! Let me know if you would like to guest post on RFI. CJ Renzi is a classical guitarist, writer, and blogger whose book, The End of Wishing Our Days Away, has just been released. Find out more about him at and on Twitter @Hoombah…. Read more
Life is not like the movies
Morning all! Today I have a guest post for you, from the lovely Tonya at Budget and the Beach. Enjoy! And remember you can still win $100 on the grocery giveaway Tonya is a freelance video editor and blogger living in Los Angeles. She enjoys movies, running and playing beach volleyball. You can follow her… Read more