A credit card can be a really useful financial tool if used correctly. A straightforward and simple way to borrow money, a credit card is similar in many ways to a debit card. Just as with the latter, a credit card can be used to pay for services, purchase goods and even to withdraw cash…. Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: credit rating
What would a superhero’s credit rating be?
What would you do as a cover job if you were a superhero? I always wonder how they manage to get by with such menial jobs and such crazy lifestyles at night or whenever they turn into their superhero selves. A penthouse overlooking Manhattan, a shiny convertible, a unique tailor made costume, on a freelancer’s… Read more
How to improve your credit rating with more credit
Despite what they say, sometimes you can fight fire with fire. In the case of finances, you can combat a poor credit rating with taking credit. Anyone who’s suffered a poor credit rating knows how limiting this can be on your ability to borrow. This in turn isn’t very useful to… Read more