I remember when I was a kid, I had lots of games that required imagination, and one of my favorite was playing with fake money. I had a purse, and a wallet, complete with printed plastic cards that looked like real credit cards. They had animals printed on it and they were more like… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: child
Childcare Costs: Is this the rising burden on parents?
The average cost of putting a child in nursery has increased dramatically, by as much as 30%. This means that the cost of having a child in nursery for 25 hours a week is now £107 on average, which equates to £11,000 per year for full-time care. This figure continues to rise at a… Read more
10% blog income pledge: sponsor a child
Useless random fact: French people are terrible with charity. We almost never give a thing to our alma mater, our charity donations are $50 at Christmas and giving $3 at mass on Sunday is considered generous, so much that when the Euro came along, the church begged people who used to donate a 10… Read more