Car title loans are a saving grace for many in desperate times. Since it will not help you during a job loss because you have to provide proof of income, other means of obtaining funds would have to be used in that instance. Auto title loans must be on vehicles that are paid off and… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: car
What can you do with a damaged car?
When I bought my first car, I went big straight away, and having learned to drive on relatively compact vehicles, parking was a bit of a challenge. Especially as I had the smallest parking space in the world. Ok, maybe it is a bit much, but really, it was super small. So many times… Read more
From no car to two cars in 6 months
After not owning a car until I was 29, at the moment, I have two cars. One I bought at an auction in Miami, and brought back to Guatemala on a boat, which is a story in itself, that you can read more about here, and the other one is a beaten up Suzuki Samurai,… Read more
How Can People with Bad Credit Apply for Car Loan in South Africa?
Bad credit can affect your financial status to a very large extent—dragging you further down as you struggle to find loan providers that will grant your loan application despite your less than stellar credit history. While it may be extra challenging to get a car loan—or any other type of loan—while your credit record shows… Read more
Shopping for a car in Miami
As I talked about earlier, I am now the proud owner of a 2006 Hyundai Tucson, that I bought on a whim during my holidays in Miami. I had no idea I would come back with a car, the main reason we went look for one was so BF could replace his, but… Read more
Approved Loans for Bad Credit Applicants
Just because you may have had financial problems in the past does not mean that your credit history cannot be repaired. Nor does it mean that finance will not be available to you from a thoroughly reputable company regulated by the same standards as everyone else in the financial sector. It is… Read more
Going to Miami!
One of my financial goals last year was to take a trip to the US, but we ended up going to Europe for two months (life is hard, I know) in the end, my second European trip of the year (very hard indeed), and the US were postponed… until now! We made the decision at… Read more
I bought my first car at 29
That one should probably go to some kind of frugal diaries or confessions, but if you know a bit the European culture, it is not that big of a deal, actually many of my cousins who are in their late 20s/early 30s do not even have their driving license! I grew up in Paris, a… Read more
Reduce your business costs in the first year
So you have started your business recently, or have an idea that you are about to launch, congratulations! In a world where most business make it or break it during the first year, you want to give yourself all the opportunities to start well, while at the same time limit your expenses to remain sustainable… Read more
Mistakes to avoid when buying a car
My first car was a Toyota Rav4. I wanted it because it looked cool and a friend had one. Yes, that was my reason. So I started looking for one with guidelines such as “oh, and if it was red, it would be even better”! It turns out my friend who was driving one had given much more… Read more