Making money online is a dream for many, and while it may seem easy, unless you are a web genius, it is not. When I started blogging, I had no idea it would take so many hours, especially behind the scenes. There is always something going on, even though platforms like WordPress have made things… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: blog
THANK YOU! RFI is a Plutus Awards finalist!!
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who voted Reach Financial Independence Best International Personal Finance Blog for the Plutus Awards, you are truly awesome! I am honored, especially as I didn’t ask readers to do so, so it felt really great to find my lil’ blog on the list of finalists. The winners will… Read more
Blog income pledge for education update, April-June 2014
Since I started Make Money Your Way last July, I took a pledge to give 10% of my blogging income to support children education in my village. As you may have read in a previous update about the project, I gave two scholarships to the best two students of middle school so they can go… Read more
Turning your Blog from a Hobby to a Stream of Income
Most of us have a list of blogs we turn to regularly for entertainment, helpful tips, news, or social purposes. You may even already have a blog of your own, and enjoy posting articles and responding to comments from your readers. Have you ever thought about turning your interest in blogging into a side… Read more
10% blog income pledge: sponsor a child
Useless random fact: French people are terrible with charity. We almost never give a thing to our alma mater, our charity donations are $50 at Christmas and giving $3 at mass on Sunday is considered generous, so much that when the Euro came along, the church begged people who used to donate a 10… Read more
Little house in Guatemala: A normal day at the council
I am sitting inside the public works office of the council as I write this. Scorpions is singing Wind of Change on the radio, a little too loud for anyone to concentrate properly on a basic task. Two guys are checking FB, one of them casually seated on the other one’s desk, two ladies decided it was… Read more
Little house in Guatemala, week 24/25
Happy Monday! Time for some sunny news from beautiful Guatemala. This is the recap that was to go live when the storm hit, and now almost everything is back in order. I am in the plane to France as you read this, enjoy! After a busy Easter, life went back to normal and we are… Read more
Creating a website as an extra source of income.
A few days ago, I looked at Forex as a way to create additional income, and like you may have guessed by now, with my cattle, coconuts or land investments I am more into non traditional sources of income than the usual stock and shares funds. Today I want to look at website creation. I… Read more
THANK YOU!!! And you too, Mr President…
Hi there, happy Thanksgiving !! Remember it is not too late to enter the $100 giveaway that I am co-hosting, all the details are here. If you would like some reading for the holiday please check out my guest post on Budget and the Beach about how to fund a nomadic lifestyle! I had this post… Read more