Most of us who work for a regular salary are used to seeing our income expressed in terms of gross pay. Often that’s the most we think about it. We might compare our own magic number to the national average if it crops up in a news story or work out the… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: bills
Using your smartphone to save money
When I hear about people getting smartphones, I am a big skeptic as to whether this is a smart financial choice. However, I found out that there are a lot of apps that allow you to save money, and if you take advantage of them, reduce the cost of buying and owning a smartphone…. Read more
Spend Smart and Increase Your Savings, From Home to the Grocery Store
Having a household budget and wisely spending money can stretch your dollars and free up cash for savings. But unfortunately, many families develop a routine of frivolously spending money and saving isn’t a thought. Maybe you’re not a big saver, and would rather spend your money. There is nothing wrong with a little indulgence and… Read more
A guide to managing your credit card account
If you know how to use it, having a UK credit card can be a very handy and convenient way to borrow. However, if you don’t understand the terms and conditions of your credit card and you don’t know how to properly manage your credit card account, you could end up with… Read more
Top Tips For Easing Life’s Financial Burdens
The ideal life would be one where financial worries did not exist. Unfortunately, in tough economic times such as these, the path to financial freedom is one fraught with an increasing number of obstacles. From seeking out the best deals on necessary expenditures to putting away a little cash where we can,… Read more
Reduce everyday costs to start saving
If you ever stop to add up all the regular payments that leave your bank account every month, it’s a depressingly high figure. Yet, for the most part, these are necessary costs, for things that we can’t really function without. However, that doesn’t mean to say we should just accept this level of spending… Read more
What to do if there isn’t enough money?
During my first year of college, I had two majors, and taking an extra job on top was virtually impossible. My college town had about 40000 students and most seniors had trusted the rare jobs available, so when I arrived unprepared in September, I knew I had to rely only on my scholarship for that… Read more
How I helped my handyman get into debt
Since I moved to Guatemala, I have hired a handyman to do work around the house. Let’s call him H. H is 20 years old and lives in the nearby village. He used to work for the previous owner for $65 per month but didn’t do much. When we took him in, we asked him… Read more
How to negotiate your bills and your debt
Last week, I talked about ways to reduce monthly payments on your debt. Some strategies included finding better deals to take on some cheaper debt, and others making an extra effort to pay your debt faster and reduce the interest paid. Unfortunately, it is not always that easy. Sometimes, bills… Read more
Step 8: Automate your finances
This post is part of a 30 days series called the 30 steps program to financial independence. You can check the list of other posts here. Step 8: Automate your finances In order to reach financial independence, you now are aware that you need a considerable amount of savings, as well as a handful of… Read more