This time of month again, straight to the point, let’s have a look at my October goals… My main goal is to make my house a home. Goals for October were Personal and financial Stop smoking: ahem ahem… some… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: alexa
Dear Google, I love you! Please love me back!
Dear Google, I love you! Thank you for all that you have done for me over the years. I love my Gmail, couldn’t live without my maps or my calendar, and am even ready to start using Google+ if you would only love me back! I got pretty for you Over the past three… Read more
Watching your Alexa ranking every day is like checking your weight daily when dieting
Welcome up and downswings! I have installed the Alexa toolbar last week, to start checking my Alexa ranking. For those of you who are unaware of what the Alexa ranking is, it is a tool that analyzes browsing behavior and gives you a score based on how many people visited your site, linked back to… Read more